Alamat / Address
Jl Tuparev No 117 Cirebon
Selasa, 14 Januari 2025
06:00 - 22:00 WIB
IGD 24 Jam
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Ruang Rawat Berlian

"Sehat dengan nyaman sempurna"

Fasilitas :
Bed pendamping pasien, sofa, Tv Digital + Netflix, welcome snack, lemari pendingin, penghangat makanan, dispenser, shower air dingin dan hangat

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Beautiful Visual Interface

The interface is clear and simple, every action is straightforward. Creating a new slider and adding slides are quick and easy process.

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Fully Responsive Slider

You can adjust the layers on tablet and mobile view. Smart Slider 3 allows you to hide any layer of your full width slider on any device.

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Dokter Kami

Jadwal Dokter

Layanan Kami

Pelayanan Medis di RS Permata Cirebon
Jumlah pasien yang sudah terlayani​
Jumlah dokter spesialis dan sub spesialis​
Jumlah persalinan SC​

Rekanan Kami